Table of Contents


Representative Meredith A. Dixon

Meredith Dixon is a state representative for House District 20 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, first elected in 2020. She has held prominent roles within the New Mexico Legislature, including serving as vice-chair of the House Appropriations and Finance Committee. Additionally, she is involved with the House Energy, Environment, and Natural Resources Committee, among others. Dixon’s legislative priorities include improving child welfare, diversifying New Mexico’s economy, and enhancing public safety.

During her time in office, she has successfully sponsored and co-sponsored key legislation, but also contributed to various interim committees and councils focused on energy. 

Secretary James C. Kenney

New Mexico Environmental Department (NMED)

James C. Kenney has spent more than 21 years across two stints at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, most recently as senior policy advisor for oil and gas. In that role, he worked with senior agency leadership and designed strategies to support environmentally responsible development of oil and natural gas resources while working with states, tribes, federal agencies and industries on regulatory and policy matters.

Kenney has also served as a senior environmental engineer at the EPA, leading both civil and criminal investigations related to the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and other EPA statutes and regulations as well as developing strategic compliance and enforcement approaches on oil and natural gas exploration.

Secretary Designate Melanie A. Kenderdine

New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department (EMNRD)

Melanie Kenderdine is a former co-founder, Principal, and Executive Vice President of the Energy Futures Initiative, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit focused on advancing clean energy through technology and policy innovation. She has held senior roles at the U.S. Department of Energy under both the Obama and Clinton administrations. In the Obama administration, Kenderdine helped launch Mission Innovation, fostered North American grid security, and modernized the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. She also led efforts on the Quadrennial Energy Review. During the Clinton administration, she was instrumental in key initiatives, including the 2000 Strategic Petroleum Reserve oil exchange, the creation of the Northeast Home Heating Oil Reserve, and a major land transfer back to the Ute tribe in Utah.

Synergizing New Mexico Energy R&D, Education and Outreach

Representative Dixon​

Jennifer Raney

Petroleum Recovery Research Center Deputy Director, NMT

Rebecca "Puck" Stair

Director, Energy Conservation and Management (ECAM), EMNRD

Dr. Patricia Sullivan

Director, Office of Strategic Initiatives, NMSU

Dr. Karthik Ramasamy

Deputy Director - Energy Programs, LANL

Charles Hanley

Senior Manager, Electric Grid Security Group, SNL

Sustainable Energy Partnerships

Fayth Gillespie

Principal, Tactica Strategies

Dr. Ellen Stechel

Executive Director at AzCaNe, ASU

Kathy Foster

Director of Strategic Operations, Arrowhead Center, NMSU

Dr. Jolante van Wijk

Group Leader, Energy and Natural Resources Security Group, LANL

Matthew Gonzales

Executive Director (Interim), Four Corners Clean Energy Alliance

Laurie Williams

Vice President of Integrated Planning at Public Service Company of New Mexico.

Subsurface Energy and Storage

Dr. Shari Kelley

Sr. Geophysicist, Field Geologist, NMT

Matt Eales

President/CEO, CoolSky Energy Solutions

Jean-Lucien Fonquergne

Research Associate

Dr. Hamid Rahnema

Associate Professor, Chair of Petroleum and Natural Gas Department, NMT

Erik K. Webb

Senior Manager, Geoscience Research & Applications Group, SNL

Solar, Wind, Energy Storage and Distribution

Dr. Ashok Ghosh

Associate Professor Mechanical Engineering, NMT

Thomas Duane

Director, Integrated Resource Planning at PNM

Athena Christodoulou

President of New Mexico Solar Energy Association Board

Dr. Robert E. Foster

NMSEA Board Member, NMSU

The Impact of the Energy Transition on NM Economies

Dr. Haoying Wang

Associate Professor of Management Department of Business and Technology Management, NMT

Dr. Robert Balch

Petroleum Recovery Research Center Director, NMT

Dr. Yuting Yang

Assistant Professor of Economics, UNM

Dr. Shaowen Mao

Postdoc in the Energy and Natural Resources Security Group, LANL

Carbon Capture and Sequestration in New Mexico

Dr. Robert Balch​

Petroleum Recovery Research Center Director, NMT​

Matt Eales​

President/CEO, CoolSky Energy Solutions​

Dr. Rajinder Singh

Group Leader, Materials Synthesis and Integrated Devices, LANL

Dr. Bailian Chen

Senior Scientist, Earth and Environmental Science, LANL

Dr. Sai Wang

Interim Section Head/Research Engineer - PRRC, NMT

Mining Innovations and Challenges in New Mexico

Dr. Virginia McLemore

Principal Sr. Economic Geologist, NMT

Dr. Nelia Dunbar

Emerita NMBGMR Director and State Geologist, NMT

Dr. Brent Goehring

Deputy group leader for the Climate, Ecology, and Environment Group, LANL

David Ennis

Program Manager, State of New Mexico Mining Act Reclamation Program, EMNRD

Bob Newcomer

Principal, Toltec Mesa Resources, LLC.

Tom Shelley

Senior Engineer, Telesto Solutions, Inc.

The Water-Energy Nexus

Dr. Thushara Gunda

Principal Member of Technical Staff, SNL

Dr. Prashant Sharan

Staff Scientist in Material Physics and Application Division, LANL

Dr. Runwei Li

Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, NMSU

Dr. Jianjia Yu

Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering, NMT

Dr. Alex Rinehart

Associate Professor of Hydrology, NMT

Environmental Monitoring in the Energy Sector

Dr. Katherine Benedict

Scientist, Earth and Environmental Science, LANL

Dr. Christian Carrico

Associate Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering, NMT

Dr. Eric Guiltinan

Staff scientist, LANL